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Home | Portfolio | Auto Major Case Study

Bringing IT and business in single, dynamic repository
How Routa Digital helped one of the largest automotive manufacturers in the Nordics by improving their Enterprise Architecture Capabilities
Business Objective

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation, shifting from traditional car manufacturing to digital connected solutions and platform utilization, driving the software-defined vehicle (SDV) trend. To embrace this trend, automotive companies must enhance their software capabilities, shift from hardware-centric models, restructure organizational frameworks, and make strategic capital investments.

One of the leading automotive players in the Nordics recognized the need for adaptation and partnered with Routa Digital to make strategic changes in its technology landscape for future growth. Due to the limitations of maintaining consistent and accurate data in the existing tool, multiple teams started using several methods such as PowerPoint, Visio, and other tools for documenting artifacts. Lack of governance and standardized guidelines also added to the problem. This resulted in tool silos across various departments resulting in redundancy, information loss, decreased productivity, and inflated costs. The absence of a consolidated view of business processes and information hindered innovation and prolonged decision-making processes.

Unified platform for information flow

Enhanced collaboration

Governance Framework

“I would like to acknowledge and celebrate the progress and partnership we have made together with this project. The dedication and hard work of all the team members of Routa Digital have been instrumental in driving our achievements, and I am incredibly impressed with all your efforts and dedication.”

– Head of Enterprise Architecture

Solution Overview

Our team of experts evaluated the existing Enterprise Architecture (EA) toolchain and proposed a customized, comprehensive EA tool for seamless information flow between business capability, process, information, and data models. We chose a custom-made EA tool over a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution for several reasons:

Control: A self-developed EA tool offers greater control over functionality, development, and integration, ensuring alignment with organizational needs and partner ecosystems.

Developer Experience: Custom models illustrate relationships between systems, processes, and data, aiding developers in informed decision-making and benefiting from API-based schema generation.

Deployment Success: Incremental rollouts with focused scopes and phased usage ensure budget efficiency and high adoption rates, proving direct business impact.

Low OPEX: Custom EA tools with flexible licensing models reduce operational costs compared to expensive commercial tools.

Business Impact

One standout accomplishment following the implementation of Routa Digital’s EA tool has been the significant improvements in decision-making processes and visibility across the organization.

By evaluating various scenarios related to business processes, capabilities, applications, and technology landscapes, the auto major can now assess the impact of changes before implementation, allowing for informed and collaborative design decisions. Moreover, the tool enhances visibility by clearly outlining business terms, concepts, and their relationships, providing stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s architecture.

Additionally, its customization and integration capabilities ensure that the tool can be tailored to fit the company’s specific needs without vendor locking, while also enabling seamless integration with existing tools such as ServiceNow CMDB. Furthermore, the tool’s centralized governance features establish end-to-end linkage between all architectural layers, enabling effective change control and governance while ensuring stakeholders have access to up-to-date information.

Technology Stack

Technologies Used


  • Supported EA with novel interconnected architecture
  • Built connected architecture
  • Integrated process-wise information flows

Technology Stack

Technologies Used


  • Supported EA with novel interconnected architecture
  • Built connected architecture
  • Integrated process-wise information flows

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