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From Manual to Digital: Retta’s transformation journey
How Routa Digital Helped One of the Largest Professional Service Groups in the Nordics transform its loan management process.
Business Objective

Retta is one of the largest professional service groups in the Nordics specializing in the brokerage and management of apartments, properties, and offices. Retta recognized the significant potential of offering loans to housing companies, which would bring considerable savings to them and their stakeholders. Furthermore, this approach would facilitate smoother contract management and help mitigate any associated risks for partner institutions such as banks.

Retta partnered with Routa Digital to create a reliable and easy-to-understand loan tendering platform that makes the bidding process effortless for the customer by automating the work steps included in the bidding process and developing a digital process in cooperation with banks. This new way of bidding for housing association loans enables efficient and market-wide competition, ensuring the most favourable loan terms for the housing association.

Integrated Loan Management System

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tools

Stakeholder Collaboration & Communication

“At Retta, our mission is to make the real-estate sector more sustainable, more profitable, and more responsible. We are happy that we found a partner who values these sentiments as well. Our journey with Routa Digital feels rather like a problem-solving and value-creation exercise, than an “IT project”, and is colored by a business-first attitude and results-based approach. The team was flexible, efficient, and easy to work with”

– Lauri Leino, SVP, New Services & ICT || Chief Strategy / Acceleration / Development / Information Officerr

Solution Overview

Considering the dynamics of the existing tendering system and its manual processes, our experts developed an integrated web application from scratch. This platform allows Retta admin users to access loans in a prioritized order, with higher-ranked loans indicating better-tendering prospects. Users can browse analyses of various housing companies, initiate and monitor the tendering process, and communicate with key stakeholders like housing managers and banks. The project began with a detailed plan, including timelines, resource allocation, and milestones. The team collaboratively developed the application in six months, ensuring the integration and functionality of all modules.

Business Impact

Automating manual processes and providing a centralized platform for tendering activities not only has a direct impact on Retta but also Nordic banks and customers like housing managers. The availability of comprehensive analyses & information about housing companies allows platform users to make more informed decisions when selecting loans and engaging in tendering activities. The seamless communication between crucial stakeholders( housing managers & banks), fosters collaboration and ensures smooth coordination throughout the tendering process. This process transformation has helped reduce operational costs and minimize delays, ultimately saving time and resources for Retta and banks.

By leveraging our expertise in product development and cutting-edge IT applications, we successfully opened new revenue streams for Retta while reducing on-support requirements and costs. Our solutions helped Retta to streamline their operations, enhance their service offerings, and achieve greater efficiency.

Technology Stack

Technologies Used


  • Managed bank-level security
  • Enabled workflow Automation

Technology Stack

Technologies Used


  • Managed bank-level security
  • Enabled workflow Automation

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